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94 Discovery Owners manual by Land Rover (94_LRNA1994DSCW - Not a shop manual)
$59.95 |
94 Range Rover owners manual by Land Rover includes LWB (94_OM - Not a shop manual)
$99.95 |
93-94 Range Rover Electrical troubleshooting manual by Land Rover (94_LHAEMUSA93)
$169.95 |
93-95 Defender Diesel 2-volume shop Service repair Manual & Engine Transmission overhaul manual by Land Rover 1,232 pages for Diesel & Turbo Diesel (945_B_LRD3DWH)
$119.95 |
93-95 Defender shop Service repair Manual by Land Rover: 1,008 pages 2.25 2.5 3.5 gas engines 2.25 2.5 Turbo 200 Tdi diesel engines (94_B_LRD3WH)
$89.95 |
95 Defender owners manual by Land Rover (95_1995CWDEF90 - Not a shop manual)
$289.95 |
93-95 Parts Manual for Range Rover NAS by Land Rover including LWB (94_RTC9964CC)
$99.95 |
91-94 Defender owners manual by Land Rover for all version both Gas & Diesel 192 pages (925_LRDF1H - Not a shop manual)
$49.95 |
92-95 Parts Manual by Land Rover for Range Rover (Classic Model) (94_B_RR95PH)
$79.95 |
90-94 Workshop Shop Service Repair Manual by Land Rover for Range Rover 1,184 pages covers 3.9 4.2 V8 gas petrol & 200 Tdi & 2.5 VM diesel engines (92_RR34WH)
$129.95 |
93-95 Defender 90 110 US Spec. Service Repair Manual by Land Rover (94_LDAWMEN93US)
$299.95 |
93-97 90 110 Defender North American Version Shop Service Repair Manual by Land Rover on CD (95_HMLHP28)
$59.95 |
94-98 Discovery North American Edition Shop Service Repair Manual by Land Rover on CD (96_HMLHP33)
$59.95 |
94-98 Defender owners manual by Land Rover for all version both Gas & Diesel 192 pages (96_LRDF2H - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
93-97 Defender V8 90 110 NAS Parts Manual by Land Rover (95_RTC9962CC)
$299.95 |
89-94 Discovery Workshop Manual, 840 pages by Land Rover (915_B_LR95WH)
$89.95 |
89-94 Discovery Land Rover Shop Service Repair Manuals Parts Manuals & Owners Manuals on CD Rom (92_LHB3)
$89.95 |
89-94 Discovery, portfolio of articles about Land Rover, 100 pgs compiled by Brooklands (92_A_LRD89)
$19.95 |
89-95 Land Rover Discovery Diesel Shop Service Repari Manual by Haynes covers Turbo Diesel 2.5 (95_3016_DSL)
$19.95 |
1997 Defender NAS electrical reference library manual by Land Rover has photos of component & connector locations, descriptions of connectors and circuit operations (97_LRL0105)
$59.95 |
94-01 Range Rover Owners Manual by Land Rover (97VDC000010ENX - Not a shop manual)
$49.95 |
94-01 Range Rover Owners Manual by Land Rover (97VDC500010ENX - Not a shop manual)
$49.95 |
94-01 Range Rover Owners Manual by Land Rover (97_Lrl0314eng - Not a shop manual)
$49.95 |
87-94 Defender 110 parts manual by Land Rover on nine 4x6' microfiche by Land Rover (91_110prt_Fish)
$174.95 |
87-95 Range Rover Classic North American Edition Shop Service Repair Manual by Land Rover on CD (91_HMLHP29)
$69.95 |
90-98 90 110 130 Defender Shop Service Repair Manual by Land Rover on CD (94_HLMHP27)
$59.95 |
89-98 Land Rover Discovery Shop Service Repari Manual by Haynes covers gas petrol engines 3.5 & 3.9 Turbo Diesel 2.5 (95_3016)
$49.95 |
89-98 Land Rover Discovery by Taylor 130pg history of the model with advice on purchase ownership accessories and off road driving (94_129586AE)
$19.95 |
Turbo Diesel Engine & Transmission Overhaul manual by Land Rover; 224 pgs for 300TDi engine, R380 manual transmission, and LT230T transfer case (93_B_LR30WH)
$39.95 |
89-99 Discovery Land Rover Shop Service Repair Manuals Parts Manuals & Owners Manuals on CD Rom (94_LTP3004)
$89.95 |
85-95 Range Rover Gold Portfolio, 172 pages of articles about comfy Land Rover, compiled by Brooklands (90_A_RR85GP)
$39.95 |
89-98 Discovery Parts catalogue Manual by Land Rover 2.0 Mpi 200Tdi 300 Tdi diesel 3.5 & 3.9 V8 gas petrol engines (95_B_LR98PH)
$89.95 |
83-94 Land Rover Defender Gold Portfolio 172 pages of road test articles compiled by Brooklands (89_A_LR83GP)
$39.95 |
89-2000 Discovery & Freelander Land Rover Portfolio, compiled by Unique 118 pages also covers 90 Heritage & Ninety County V8 (89_Discovery)
$19.95 |
89-2000 Performance Portfolio of road test articles about Land Rover Discovery compiled into 140 page book form by Brooklands (95_A_LR89PP)
$29.95 |
83-95 Defender 90 & 110 Electrical & Air Conditioning Shop Service Repair Manual by Land Rover (88_LSM89WM)
$189.95 |
83-95 90 & 110 Data & Maintenance Shop Service Repair Manual by Land Rover (89_LSM85WM)
$34.95 |
83-95 90 & 110 Engine Shop Service Repair Manual by Land Rover (89_LSM86WM)
$44.95 |
83-95 90 & 110 Transmission Shop Service Repair Manual by Land Rover (89_LSM87WM)
$39.95 |
83-95 90 & 110 Chassis Shop Service Repair Manual by Land Rover (89_LSM88WM)
$34.95 |
83-95 Land Rover Defender 90 110 Workshop service repair Manual and owners manual 128 pages by Lindsay Porter & Dave Pollard gas petrol diesel (90_Defender)
$34.95 |
1997 Introduction to Land Rover Products Technical training manual by Land Rover for Discovery Range Rover Defender 90 with many chapters service info back to 1987, tech descriptions, specifications capacities (97_TT102)
$69.95 |
94-06 R380 Transmission Gearbox Overhaul Shop Service Repair Manual by Land Rover as used in the Defender (B00_R380_Ovrhl)
$49.95 |
Land Rover Discovery - The Enthusiast's Companion by James Taylor 112 pages published 1994 (82_DiscoveryEnt)
$24.95 |
83-95 Defender 90 & 110 Owners edition Workshop service repair Manual 227 pages by Land Rover & Brooklands gas petrol 2.25 2.5 3.5 V8 diesel 2.25 2.5 2.5TD 2.5 TDI (89_B_LR90OWH)
$39.95 |
You & Your Land Rover Discovery: 144 hardbound pages on buying, enjoying, maintaining, & modifying the Land Rover Discovery by D. Pollard includes up through 2003 model year (90_135613AE)
$59.95 |
Land Rover 90 & 110 Owners Buyers Guide by J Taylor for LandRover (85_0018730781x)
$29.95 |
83-99 Restoration Manual Land Rover 90 110 & Defender 256 hardbound pgs by Lindsay Porter detailed info mechanical & body repairs many photos (929780857334794)
$49.95 |
83-99 Restoration Manual Land Rover 90 110 & Defender 208 hardbound pgs by Lindsay Porter detailed info mechanical & body repairs many photos (92_H600)
$49.95 |
83-00 You & Your Defender Land Rover: 176 hardbound pages by M. Hodder. 90 & 100, Tips for buying, maintaining, driving, and modifying, including developemnt & change history (865_130762AE)
$35.95 |